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Johnson Franklin Cunningham: Will Executor Extraordinaire?

Posted in Research Questions

Johnson Franklin CunninghamJohnson Franklin Cunningham was born in Oglethorpe County, Georgia1 on October 17, 1823 and died in Denton County, Texas on January 9, 18992. He lived with his family in Oglethorpe County, Georgia until 1880, when he moved his family to Texas.

I do not have a copy of his will, and I’m not sure if he even made one. He does, however, make an appearance in the wills of several other people as a witness and executor. I found this curious. Why would so many people ask him to witness or execute their wills? Did he have legal training? If so, I don’t have any evidence of it. My grandfather Udell says that his grandfather, Amos Cunningham (Johnson Franklin’s son) told stories of his father being a minister (I haven’t found documentation). It makes sense that people might feel comfortable asking their minister to witness or execute their will.

William W. Power
12 Mar 1847
To my wife Martha Power during her natural life or widowhood, my whole and entire estate. At her death or marriage, my entire estate (except the negro slaves) to be sold, and after my daughter Anna G. Power is paid $100.00, then to be equally divided among all my children, viz, Elizabeth M., Anna G., Susan [or Samson?] P. and Mary W. Power. My negro slaves to be divided into as many equal lots as I have children at the time of my wife’s death; if my wife should marry, she shall have an equal share with my children in every respect. My Executor & Executrix may sell my tract of land on Brushy Creek and other tract on North River at the expiration of a lease to Mr. Cook for four years. Also the tract where I now live. My wife may give off portions of property as she can spare to my children as they marry or become of age. Executrix: my wife Martha Power. Executir: Willis Strickland. Signed: William W. Power. Witness: Richard B. Gholston, Francis Power, Johnson F. Cunningham. Rec’d 23 Sept 18483

Thomas J. Black
3 Nov 1854
All my land and property to be equally divided between my five children: Milla A. S. Black, Barbara W. Brown, Jonathon C. Black, Celia C. Black, and James W. Black. Executors: My friend John B. Moon and my brother John W. Black. Signed: Tho. Ja. Black. Witness: James S. Black, Thomas M. Anthony, Johnson F. Cunningham. Rec’d 7 May 1855.4

Mary Ann [Williams] Black
State of Georgia, Oglethorpe County I Mary Ann Black being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make, publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills by me before made.

Item 1st I give and bequeath unto Charles Filmore Sanders son of William J. Sanders my bed that I now sleep on and the furniture with it and one small chest known as my sugar chest, and one small round trunk.

Item 2nd I give and bequeath unto Eliza Eberhart a colored woman (that formerly belonged to me) all my wearing clothes, bandboxes and baskets and one small oven, one stone jar, one small boiler and all my earthenware – this I do for actual service she has rendered to me – besides other considerations.

Item 3rd I give and bequeath unto my son James S. Black all the balance of my estate ready money real or personal or mixed of what ever kind.

Item 4th I appoint my worthy friend Johnson F. Cunningham executor of this my last Will and Testament. In testimony where of, I have hereunto set my hand and seal. July 24th 1868. Mary Ann X [her mark] Black [seal]

Signed, Sealed and declared in presence of and in the presence of each other this July 24th 1868.

Gabriel Watson , J. G. Olive, J. F. Cunningham, State of Georgia

Personally appeared in Open Court Oglethorpe County Gabriel Watson + J Gibson Olive who were witnesses to the within will, after being duly sworn depose + say that they saw Mary Ann Black sign, seal, publish + declare with within to be her last Will + Testament, that at the time thereof she was of sound and disposing mind + memory and that she did it freely without compulsion + that they witnessed the same in the page 39 presence of the Testator at her special request + instance and in the presence of each other. So help us God. Sworn to + Subscribed in Open Court this 5th December 1870 J. G. Olive. G. Watson Georgia Court of Ordinary Oglethorpe County December Term 1870. The within last Will + Testament of Mary A. Black deceased of said county having been duly presented by the witnesses signing the above oath, the same having been duly proven in common form of law in Open Court at this Regular Term of the Court upon the oaths of Gabriel Watson + J. Gibson Olive the subscribing witnesses to said last Will + Testament the third one not doing so as he was named as executor. Ordered, That said Will be admitted to Record. This 5th December 1870 – Filed in Office 5th

Recorded this 6th day of Decr 1870.anuary 1871 – F. J. Robinson F J Robinson /s/ Ordinary O. C. Ordinary + Ex off Clk.5

John P. Tiller
Georgia, Oglethorpe County — I John P Tiller of said County and State being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make publish and declare this to be my last Will and testament hereby revoking all other wills by me made.

Item 1st I give and bequeath and devise unto my wife Martha Ann Tiller all of my estate of whatever kind or nature personal and mixed ready money and change in ?????? during of her natural life or widowhood to be kept for the support of her and my daughter that is not married until they do marry or while they stay with my wife Martha Ann Tiller; also my two sons William M Tiller and John W Tiller to live with my wife until they become of age.

Item 2nd My will is if my wife dies or marries before my youngest child Matta A Tiller becomes of age that my Executors keep my Estate together for the support of my children that is not of age until my youngest child Matta A Tiller becomes of age or marrys when either count happens my will is that there be an equal division of my estate among my children that I have by my wife Martha Ann Tiller.

Item 3rd I appoint my wife Martha Ann Tiller Executrix and my brother Thomas R Tiller Executor of this my last Will and Testament.

J. P. Tiller (Seal)

Signed Sealed published and declared in our presence in the presence of each other and in the presence of the testator this June 11th 1863.

James S Black
J F Cunningham
George S Cunningham
David Graham

State of Georgia, Oglethorpe County — Personally appeared in open Court J F Cunningham and George S Cunningham two of the subscribing witnesses to the within will and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that they saw John P Tiller sign seal publish and declare the within to be his last Will and Testament and at the time thereof he was of sound disposing mind and memory and that he did it freely without compulsion and that they signed the same as witnesses in the presence of said testator at his instance and request and in his presence and that they saw James S Black and David Graham sign the same as sitnesses in testators presence all of which is to the best of our knowledge and belief so help us god.

Johnson F Cunningham
George S Cunningham

Sworn to in open Court this 7th day of November 1866

E C Shackelford Ordinary

Court of Ordinary November term 1864
The last will and testament of John P Tiller late of Oglethorpe County deceased was exhibited in open Court by Martha Ann Tiller the executrix herein named and was in open Court at this regular term of the Court proven in Common form of law upon the oaths of Johnson F Cunningham and George S Cunningham two of the subscribing witnesses to the same. Ordered that said will be admitted to Record.

Recorded this 11th day of November 1864

E C Shackelford Ordinary6

Brinkley Smith
January 1, 1857/December 1857, Oglethorpe County, Georgia

I Brinkley Smith of said County and State being of sound and disposing mind and memory, make publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills by me made

Item 1st I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Alley wife of Jesse Hardman one hundred dollars

Item 2nd I give and bequeath unto my son Isham Smith five dollars

Item 3rd I give and bequeath unto my son Martin Smith’s Estate five dollars

Item 4th I give and bequeath unto my son Elisha Smith sixty dollars which he is now due me for the rent of my land and also give him the privileges of living on my land four years longer from the date of this will if he wishes to do so.

Item 5th I give and bequeath and desire unto my son John B. Smith and my four daughters their names are Nancy and Betsey and Sarah and Rebecca all the rest and residue of my estate of whatever kind or nature real personal and mixed. I give and bequeath the whole balance of my property to my said five children above named in this Item to be equally divided between these five — also that they have the privilege of living on my plantation if they can do so by agreement for their support — if they cannot agree to live together in this way that four of them have the privilege of selling the land for an equal division — their names are John B. Smith, Nancy and Betsey and Sarah — my will is that my daughter Rebecca have nothing to do with the agreement of selling the land that it be left wholly with the other four above named to decide whether they will sell or not — but my daughter Rebecca have an equal share with them in the division. I appoint my son John B. Smith Executor of this my last Will and testament.

Signed sealed published declared in our presence in the presence of each other & in the presence of the testator this 1st day of January 1857 — his mark

Brinkley X Smith {Seal}
Johnson F. Cunningham Rolly H. Mathews
Colerian Mathews7

Barbara Williams
Record of Wills November Term 1851 Georgia
Oglethorpe County

I Barbara Williams of said County being of sound and disposing mind and memory do publish and declare this to be my last will and testament, hereby Revoking all other wills by me made.

1st I give and bequeath unto to Mary Ann P. Anthony daughter of Matthew J. W. Anthony, one negro woman by the name of Louiza and her four children to wit: Charlotte, Elizabeth, Robert, and Henrietta and the future increase of the said female slaves to the
said Mary Ann and her heirs forever.

2nd I give and bequeath unto Mahuldah Anthony daughter of Thomas B. Anthony one negro woman by the name of Teresa and her four children to wit: Evaline, Lucy, Nathan, and Henry and the future increase of said female slaves to her and her heirs forever.

3rd I give and bequeath unto Rebecca Williams Huff, daughter of Barbara Huff, two choice cows and calves, Bed and bedsteads and bed clothing also to Mary Ann P. Anthony and Mahuldah each a bed bedstead and clothing for the same.

4th I give and bequeath and devise unto my friend Johnson F. Cunningham all the rest and residue of my estate of whatever kind or nature Real, personal, and mixed ready money and choser [?] in action. I give and bequeath the whole balance of my property to my said friend Johnson F. Cunningham to him and his heirs forever in fee simple and this I do as well out of Regard & friendship for him, as for actual services and kindness he has heretofore rendered to me and which I know he will continue to render in the future.

Another consideration for this bequest is that I have four old negroes that I have owned for many years. They have been faithful servants and they will have to be supported by the said Johnson F. Cunningham and I most earnestly request him to take care of them. Their names are Dave, Charles, Robbin, and Lucy. Also I desire my said friend Johnson F. Cunningham to treat With great and marked kindness a negro girl by the name of Josephene, and the said Johnson F. Cunningham is to pay annually or to ? ill the best manner, for the comfort and support of___? Barbara Huff my Niece, annually the sum of seventy dollars (70) during the natural lifetime of this said Barbara Huff free from all control contracts or interference of any kind of her present or any future husband.

5th I further order and direct that the negroes bequeathed unto Mary Ann P. Anthony and Mahuldah Anthony be kept and controlled (sic) by my said friend Johnson F. Cunningham until my said nieces marry or become of age when either event happens then and not till then the said Johnson F. Cunningham is to deliver the negroes bequeathed to the said Mary Ann P. Anthony and Mahulda. The yearly value in the meantime to be applied to the education, support, and maintenance of the said Mary Ann P. and Mahuldah Anthony.

6th I appoint the said Johnson F. Cunningham Executor of this my last will and testament.

signed sealed published
and declared in our presence
in the presence of each other &
in the presents [sic] of the testator.
this 5th day of November 1850. her
Benj. F. Hardeman Barbara x Williams
Rolly H. Mathews Mark
Abel Eberhart
David Graham
Recorded 11 Nov 18518

These are all the wills I know about. If I discover others, I will update this post.

1Johnson Franklin Cunningham said that he was born in Georgia on each census, but his actual place of birth has not been verified.

2Some family members have given Johnson Franklin Cunningham’s death date as January 9, 1896, but his grave marker says January 9, 1899. I’m not sure which is correct, as I don’t have a vital record in my possession.

3Madison County Will Book B, Will Abstracts, page 43

4Madison County Will Book B, Will Abstracts, page 855Oglethorpe County Will Book E, Part 1, pp. 38-39, Georgia Archives Drawer 46, Box 11, Transcribed by Michael M. Black

6Oglethorpe County Will Book D, page 522, Transcribed by Wayne D. Tiller

7Oglethorpe County Will Book D, page 364, Transcribed by Jeannie Smith Zadach

8Transcribed by Jerry Mathews Palmer, unknown source

Family Tree Maker Website

Posted in Genealogy 101

Before I began using Family Tree Legends software to manage my genealogical research, I used what is arguably the most popular software program, Family Tree Maker. One of the features I liked most about FTL is that it enables the user to automatically update his/her information via the Internet as long the user is connected to the Internet while running FTL. The user doesn’t have to do anything. All information changed or entered into the program will automatically show up on the user’s website. This is handy if one’s computer completely crashes and it is necessary to reconstruct data. I had this happen once, and starting over from scratch was hard.

Family Tree Maker also allows users to create websites, but they are more difficult to maintain, as the user must create a user name and password, upload the information from the program, and upload it again if any changes are made. I have a Family Tree Maker site, but I can’t remember my user name and password, and the e-mail address I had associated with it doesn’t work anymore. I don’t think it is likely that it has hurt any researchers out there not to be able to contact me because of the tree on that site, but it really bothers me that I can’t get in there and put up a redirect to this blog.


Murder in the Family, Part 3

Posted in Family Biographies/Histories

John B. JenningsThis post is the third of a three-part series.

John B. Jennings, pictured to the left, circa 1870, was murdered in the street in broad daylight on June 26, 1875 in Russellville, Franklin County, Alabama.

According to the Jennings family Bible in possession of Arthur Jennings, the Jennings family’s American antecedents were in Virginia and Georgia. The Jennings Bible mentions John B. Jennings had three brothers: Dick, Jim, and George; Jim and George were John’s half-brothers.

John B. Jennings married Lucinda Fannie Curry on May 7, 1865 in a wedding officiated by Rev. Joseph White of Molton, Alabama. They had five children: Alpha Jennings, born June 2, 1866; Daisie Z. Jennings, born September 29, 1867; Veto Curry Jennings, born September 17, 1869; Richard Otto Jennings, born October 14, 1871; and Worth Alston Jennings, born December 6, 1873.

Northern Alabama was especially tumultuous during Reconstruction. In Harper Lee’s novel, Scout Finch’s first grade teacher, Miss Caroline, introduces herself to the class:

Miss Caroline printed her name on the blackboard and said, “This says I am Miss Caroline Fisher. I am from North Alabama, from Winston County.” The class murmured apprehensively, should she prove to harbor her share of the peculiarities indigenous to that region… North Alabama was full of Liquor Interests, Big Mules, steel companies, Republicans, professors, and other persons of no background. (16)

Reconstruction was difficult in North Alabama. Removed from Alabama’s capital in Montgomery, North Alabamians often clashed politically with their Southern counterparts and had a close affinity with Tennessee (Jennings 2). Politics is said to be the reason why John B. Jennings was killed.

Prior to Jennings’ death, North Alabama suffered under an outbreak of violence including burglary, arson, and murder. According to Arthur Jennings, John B. Jennings drew the ire of a political candidate because of something Jennings said at a political rally. In an alternate version of the story, the grudge between Jennings and the candidate originated with an article that had appeared in the The North Alabamian newspaper during the summer political canvass. The candidate, George C. Almon, sought Jennings out, according to Arthur Jennings, so that he could “give him a whipping” (qtd. in Jennings 2). According to Arthur Jennings, things did not go quite as Almon planned, and he had to “take one instead.” Arthur Jennings believed that Almon told a clerk at a hotel across the street from John Jennings’ blacksmith shop that he saw a mad dog coming up the street. The clerk gave Almon the gun. He walked over to the door and shot John in his shop from across the street. John B. Jennings was struck by four large buckshot and died within a half hour.

Almon surrendered himself to the sheriff. His trial took place on June 28 and 29, 1875. He was acquitted of murder — it was determined he acted in self-defense. If Arthur Jennings’ version of the story is true, it is hard to believe that George C. Almon acted in self-defense, but I have a feeling that Arthur Jennings’ version is rather kinder to John B. Jennings by virtue of the fact that he was family. It may be a popular redneck joke, but there is a grain of truth to the notion that a valid Southern defense for murder has been “he needed killin’.”

An account of the murder was published in a Tuscumbia, Alabama newspaper. The writer, using the pen name Russel Villian, “found fault with both men[:] Jennings for insulting [Almon] and [Almon] for acting with [S]outhern chivalrous behavior” (Jennings 3). Russel Villian did not say what exactly it was that John B. Jennings said to George C. Almon, but it may be that it was bad enough that the jury apparently felt Jennings’ murder was justified; indeed, the reporter Russel Villian believed John was at least partly responsible for his own murder.

Almon prospered in Alabama government and politics. Five years after the murder, Almon was a practicing lawyer in Russellville (Jennings 3). He was appointed a probate judge, and in 1886, he was elected to the Alabama State Senate in the 12th district.

Fannie told her descendants that she feared her sons would seek revenge against Almon if she didn’t move them away from Alabama. She must have realized that striking out against a person with Almon’s clout would be at best a fruitless endeavor, and at worst, result in more deaths. Fannie moved the children to Honey Grove, Fannin County, Texas in 1880. Ten years later, the family moved to Swisher County in the Texas Panhandle.


Jennings, Jan. 2006. Descendants of John B. Jennings. (PDF version of document sent in e-mail to Dana Huff, 24 Jul. 2006).

Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Warner Books, 1960.

Read “Murder in the Family, Part 1” and “Murder in the Family, Part 2.”

Murder in the Family, Part 2

Posted in Family Biographies/Histories

This post is the second of a three-part series.

Mary Shelby McDaniel was my grandmother, Doris LaNell Thurman Cunningham’s grandmother. She was born in Sulpher Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, on September 1, 1873 to Mary Bates McDaniel; her father, Shelby, was murdered around Christmas in 1872.

Very little is known about Shelby McDaniel. His parentage is uncertain, but Gerald McDaniel, who descends from Mary Shelby’s older brother Greenberry McDaniel, connected Shelby to the Gwinnett County, Georgia McDaniels; however, the 1850 census does not reveal a Shelby in the household of the man Gerald McDaniel believed to be Shelby’s father, James McDaniel. It is possible that Shelby left home before the 1850 census was taken, as he would have been about 17. One possibility for Shelby McDaniel includes:

S.C. McDaniel (age 16) in the home of his mother Mary McDaniel (age 52), with brothers Robert W. (age 22), W.P. (age 21) and E.C. McDaniel (age 14) and sister C.A. McDaniel (age 18) in Chester County, South Carolina, in 1850.

Gerald McDaniel passed away some time ago, and his website is no longer accessible through conventional means; however, if you access it through this link, you should be able to read some of it. You can access his genealogy here; McDaniel information is available here. Could Gerald’s granfather, Greenberry McDaniel, have named his son Shelby Clifton McDaniel using his father’s full name? It makes the S.C. McDaniel candidate more interesting…

Shelby was already in Texas by 1860, as he appears on the 1860 Census for Lamar County, Texas, married to Mary with son David. Most of what I know about Shelby McDaniel comes from my second cousin once removed, Chris Stofel. According to Chris, who has Shelby McDaniel’s Civil War records, Shelby “mustered in the 9th Texas Field Battery, Texas Light Artillery (Lamar Artillery)” in January 1862 in Paris, Lamar County, Texas. He was described on the roll as “5’9″, dark complexion, brown eyes, dark hair, a mason, born in SC, body sound and in good health.” Chris added that Shelby was “present for a few months, then was listed as being sick in the General Hospital/St. John’s Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas, from November 11, 1862. He spent several months there and on November 12, 1863, he was listed as having deserted and was dropped from the rolls.”

Chris Stofel says that Shelby was murdered around Christmas in 1872. “His body was found floating in a river or creek.” To this day, we are not sure why Shelby was murdered. Chris has heard three different versions of Shelby’s murder:

  1. Shelby was robbed as he was returning home from working in Gainesville, Texas; he supposedly had a lot of money with him.
  2. Shelby was murdered by the jealous husband of a woman he was having an affair with.
  3. Shelby was pro-Unionist and was killed by unreconstructed Rebels.

Chris said that many older relatives describe Shelby as a “rounder,” so any of the three versions is possible. Merriam-Webster’s definition 2 of “rounder” is “a dissolute person : WASTREL.”

As far as descendants know, this murder has never been solved.

Source: Stofel, Christopher. Letter to Jerry Thurman. Unknown date.

Read “Murder in the Family, Part 1.”

Murder in the Family, Part 1

Posted in Family Biographies/Histories

Three of my direct ancestors have been murdered under what can only be described as mysterious circumstances, at least to those generations that followed them.

When I received a copy of my grandfather’s obituary, I received a wealth of information I had never expected to receive. I had always known he was adopted, but I knew little about the circumstances, and I didn’t know the names of his natural parents. I learned from the obituary that he had been the natural son of Omar and Gertrude Gearhart and had eleven sisters and four brothers.

His living sisters included Eva Heier, whose name I recognized from annual Christmas cards, Margie Water, Jessie Riddle, Betty Ann Bailey, Ruth Anderson, Carol Babb, Dorcas Tobin, and Helen Marie West. I was able to quickly determine that the last five were his adoptive sisters, Elizabeth Ann Swier, Ruth Swier, Carol Mae Swier, Dorcas Pauline Swier, and Helen Marie Swier. That meant that his natural surviving sisters must have been Eva Heier, Margie Water, and Jessie Riddle. His only living brother was Frank Walker. As the Swier family had no sons aside from my grandfather, I knew Frank, too, must have been a natural brother.

My grandfather also had three sisters and three brothers who preceded him in death: Mary Smith, Ruth Kyker, Alice McReynolds, Junior Gearhart, John Gearhart, and Donald Cannon. All of these siblings were natural siblings.

I posted a message on a genealogy forum, asking for information, and I heard from Dara Rowe, the daughter of Frank Walker. As it turned out, Dara knew what had happened that caused the Gearhart family to be scattered to the winds: my great-grandfather had been murdered.

Omar Alfred Gearhart worked as a garage mechanic. He suffered a head injury in a shooting accident that altered his personality. According to Dara, he became an alcoholic. There was an intimation that he became abusive. These types of injuries have been known to cause personality changes in some people. The circumstances are unclear, but some time later, Omar Alfred Gearhart was murdered. Dara believed it to have been his business partner, but I have found no news stories that report Omar Alfred Gearhart’s murder, so I cannot be certain.

Omar Gearhart’s murder threw his family into chaos. His wife Gertrude was pregnant and unable to support her ten children. Once the baby was born, Gertrude tried to feed the three youngest children at her breast; the older children tried to find work where they could. The family was starving. Gertrude heard that the Washington State authorities planned to take custody of the children. Fearing they would be separated and grow up not knowing each other, she sought advice from her pastor, who brought her situation before the congregation of the church. Congregants adopted the children except for the older children and the baby. I cannot be certain which children were not adopted, but I know for sure that those adopted included Jessie Riddle, Donald Cannon, Frank Walker, and my grandfather, David Swier.

I do not know where Gertrude was in 1930 when the census was taken; I cannot find her. However, my father told me that she remarried and her last name was Lightle. I found her Social Security Death Index record and determined she died in Pasco, Franklin County, Washingon.

Stay tuned for “Murder in the Family, Part 2.”

Huff Family Mystery

Posted in Research Questions

Yours truly finally subscribed to I fought it for a long time because the main reason for subscribing is access to census records, which are available in some libraries and other various places for free. I kept telling myself that I shouldn’t have to pay for access to them. However, the subscription price is less than $13 per month. I realized that I would spend a lot more than that in transportation to the nearest place that has census records, not mention the time it would take to travel to such places. allows me to access actual census record scans from 1790 to 1930. After thinking about it, I decided’s subscription price was a deal. I am not going to make this post a plug for, but I must admit the wealth of information I uncovered has made the subscription price well worth it. Who knows when, as a mother of three and full-time teacher, I might get a chance to hunt through the microfilm at the National Archives in Morrow? Plus I get access to all the censuses for every state, which not all libraries have. Enough raving about how happy I am with

I have uncovered a Huff family mystery. My husband’s family has lived in Tennessee for generations. My husband was born in Nashville. He was able to provide me with enough information to go on about his grandparents, but knew little about his great-grandparents, William Martin Huff and his wife Sallie (whose maiden name I do not know). I located them with Steve’s grandfather Ben Martin Huff on the 1930 census and the 1920 census. I had trouble going further back. I found a record for a Willie M. Huff in the household of his step-father Lee Roy (or Roy Lee) Huff in 1900, but I couldn’t be sure it was the same person, despite the fact that both William Martin and Willie M. lived in Williamson County, which was rural and much more sparsely populated than it is today, probably thanks in part to the Saturn (automobile) headquarters located there. I found a few candidates for William Martin Huff on the 1910 census, but they were fairly far from Williamson County. He was most likely not living with his parents anymore, but I do not think he was married yet, either.

I was becoming increasingly frustrated trying to learn anything about this line and felt I had hit a brick wall until my husband told me he was sure his grandfather had an aunt named Verda. You can tell my husband’s not a genealogist, having neglected to share this crucial bit of information with me until now, knowing I had been trying to find information about the Huff line for some time. Verda is not such a common name. I felt confident I could locate her on the 1900 or 1910 census, as I had narrowed down the family’s origins to Williamson County.

Sure enough, I found Verda in the home of Lee Huff in 1910. She was 11 years old, so she most likely had been born in 1898 or 1899. Her mother was listed as Mary F. Huff. Steve told me her married name was Fulghum. I found her Social Security Death Index record, which listed her birthdate as May 1, 1898. Furthermore, her last residence was Thompson’s Station, Williamson County, Tennessee. Steve concurred with me that we could be reasonably confident this was his aunt Verda. I searched the 1900 census for her father. I noticed no Verda listed in his home, but there was a Eula born in April 1898. I believe this must be Verda and the name Eula is either a misinterpretation of the writing on my part, a transcription error on the census-taker’s part, or perhaps she was called by her middle name either in this census or in later ones. The Social Security Death Index was no help here, as she is listed as Verda H. Fulghum. The “H” could refer to a middle name or her maiden name.

Lee Roy Huff is listed as L.R. Huff in the 1920 census, with a wife Mary. The children all have the same names as on the 1910 census, with the addition of Louise, who had not yet been born in 1910. Going back to the 1900 census, Lee Roy’s name is indecipherable because the census-taker wrote something over the top of it, but it looks like it could say “Roy Lee.” His wife’s name was Mary. I found a WWI Draft Registration Card for Lee Roy Huff that listed his wife’s name as Mary Frances or Mary Francis (it’s hard to see if that’s an “e” or “i”). The birthdate is some two years off from that given in the census, but as I joked with Steve, his family had a habit of changing vital information about themselves depending on what year they were asked that makes tracking them infuriating.

Armed with this information, I believe that Willie M. Huff is William Martin Huff, step-son to Roy Lee or Lee Roy Huff on the 1900 census. William Martin Huff was born in June 1890. Depending on when the census was taken in 1890, he may have appeared on the census. His parents were most likely married by the time the census was taken, and with some detective work, I may have been able to find out who William Martin Huff’s father was. Unfortunately, the 1890 census was almost completely destroyed in a fire in the Commerce Building in Washington, D.C. in March 1896.

It will be difficult to find out who William Martin Huff’s father was, but perhaps not impossible. Birth records for the state of Tennessee in this time period may be available from state archives. It is possible my letter to Steve’s grandmother will be a fruitful source of information, but as Steve seemed to be unaware his great-grandfather was adopted by his step-father (and hence, may not have been born a Huff), I’m not sure the information was common knowledge to his grandfather’s wife. Steve’s grandfather was also an only child, so there are no brothers or sisters or cousins to assist me in getting to the bottom of this mystery.

I do, however, find it intriguing that the name “Martin” seems to be popular in the Huff family for generations back. Tantalizingly, there is a Leroy Huff listed as son of Samuel Martin Huff in the 1880 census, Williamson County. The age of Leroy corresponds to that of Lee Roy Huff as given in other censuses. Samuel Martin Huff also had an older son named T. William Huff.

I am speculating about two things. Perhaps William Martin Huff was not adopted by Lee Roy Huff. I made that leap based on the fact that their last names were similar. What if Lee Roy Huff was his uncle and married his mother after the death of his father? It is not unheard of. If his father were T. William, it could be the genesis of his name, William Martin — William for his father, Martin for his grandfather, Samuel Martin. Unfortunately, I can’t find a marriage record or birth record at that corroborates this theory, and the theory that he took his step-father’s name is just as likely.

Lucille Inez Willis Thurman

Posted in Family Biographies/Histories, and Photographs

Lucille Inez Willis ThurmanMy great-grandmother, Lucille Inez Willis Thurman, passed away on February 19, 2006. Because she was my longest-lived great-grandparent, I have more memories of her than any of my other great-grandparents.

Lucille Inez Willis was born on March 19, 1914 to Grover Cleveland Willis and Melvina Meeks Willis in Marietta, Love County, Oklahoma. Her father was born in Belgreen, Franklin County Alabama in 1886, and her mother was born in Oklahoma in 1887, when it was still Indian Territory. There is a possiblity that Melvina Meeks has Native American ancestry through her Graham family, but it is not certain. I am not sure when Grover Cleveland Willis left Alabama for Oklahoma, but he was certainly there by 1905 when he married Melvina Meeks. Grover Cleveland Willis and Melvina Meeks were the parents of Myrtle Willis Vinson, Joseph Clinton Willis, Clarence O. Willis, Addie Willis Watkins, Lucille Inez Willis Thurman, and twins Willard Olen Willis and Wilma Willis McFadden. This is a picture of Grover Cleveland Willis and Melvina Meeks Willis:

Grover Cleveland Willis and Melvina Meeks Willis

I’m not sure when the photo was taken, but I estimate it was some time in the 1940’s.

Granny married Elmer Theodore Thurman (Ted) in Madill, Marshall County, Oklahoma on September 29, 1929. They had the following children: Doris LaNell Thurman Cunningham, Willis Floyd Thurman, Billy Loid Thurman, twins Minnie Lou (Penny) Thurman Paul and Winnie Sue Thurman Bolding, and Lynn Doyle Thurman. This is a picture of the Thurman family, taken between 1946 and 1948:

Thurman Family

From left to right, bottom row: Lynn Doyle, Doris, Ted, Lucille, Willis; top row: Winnie, Penny, and Billy.

When I was little, Granny and Grandpa Thurman lived in Amarillo, Texas. For a while when I was a teenager, they lived in Indio, California. Toward the end of their lives, they lived in Carlsbad, Texas, next door to their daughter Winnie and son-in-law Arvel Bolding. I can’t recall exactly when, but I think they lived in Ardmore, Oklahoma for a time when I was a child. I remember visiting the Ardmore area when I was a child. We visited Granny’s sister Myrtle Vinson, who has us help her shell peas. I also remember visiting the Little Brownie Bakers, who make Girl Scout Cookies. They are located in Marietta, Oklahoma. I remember Granny taking us to this bakery, raving about their great cookies. She didn’t realize they were Girl Scout Cookies. I am not sure if Little Brownie Bakers still sells directly to the public.

When Granny lived in Indio, she had a chicken that used to come into the house. I think she fed it cat food or dog food.

One of the things I will always remember about Granny is that she had more refrigerator magnets than anyone else I knew. Her refrigerator was covered with them. Most of them looked like food. I remember one in particular looked like a chocolate chip cookie; that one was my favorite. She used to let me play with the magnets when I came to visit her. She always had Dr. Pepper in bottles in her fridge, and she never failed to ask, “Do you want a Dr. Pepper, Sugie?” whenever I came to visit.

Granny also used to put out hummingbird feeders; she always had a lot of hummingbirds to watch outside her window.

When Granny lived in Carlsbad, her home was on a dirt road out in the country. Arvel Bolding had some goats that used to crop the grass, and one of them was named Lucille for Granny. There were a lot of mesquite trees and prickly pear cacti around her home.

I vividly remember going to Granny and Grandpa Thurman’s 50th anniversary party in 1979. My mother’s cousins were all there. I was eating nuts from a tray, and my mother’s cousin Billy Thurman (son of Billy Loid Thurman) told me that I couldn’t have any more because I was eating too many. I was so surprised when my grandfather’s parents, Herman and Annie Jennings Cunningham came to the party. It didn’t occur to me that my grandparents’ parents knew each other.

I was not able to go to Granny and Grandpa Thurman’s 60th anniversary party, but my mother went. I did go to their 65th anniversary in 1994. My daughter Sarah was just a baby. We had a nice family reunion with some great mesquite barbecue, and I remember Grandpa Thurman was thrilled to have his first great-great grandchild in attendance.

I also went to their 70th wedding anniversary party. There were quite a few more great-great grandchildren in 1999! Granny’s obituary stated that she had 21 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren, and 20 great-great grandchildren.

Granny was very funny. She liked jokes and had a great sense of humor. Mom recalls that she like wrestling and used to go to matches. She read wrestling magazines when I was little.

Granny always seemed so spry to me. She was one of the toughest people I knew, and I know she hasn’t had an easy life. Grandpa Thurman died in 2003. After Grandpa died, Granny developed leukemia. She fought it for some time, but finally, she told her family that she was tired and ready to go see Ted.

Note: This post is Part 3 in a series on grandparents and other relatives I remember personally in my lifetime.

Scrapbooking Your Family History

Posted in Archiving

Scrapbooking is a very popular hobby. Many scrapbooking enthusiasts create scrapbooks to document events in the lives of their children, vacations, or other special occasions. Genealogy is a tailor-made subject for scrapbooks. Scrapbooking photographs and other mementoes is an excellent way to preserve family history for generations to come. In addition, it is an attractive way to gather information from records, histories, photographs, and other items essential to preserving family history.

Many scrapbooking companies now create product lines just for family history scrapbooks. Try looking in the scrapbooking section of your local craft store or visit one of the many scrapbooking stores. Some alphabet stickers and stamps have been designed to match antique photographs. Special papers and other embellishments can also be found.

A note about materials: in times past, folks used to tape, glue, or rubber cement photographs into albums. These materials are damaging to photographs. Make sure all paper you use is acid-free and lignin-free so that your photos will not be harmed. Use inks that are acid-free, archive quality. Make sure you use glue that is made for scrapbooking, too. Some glues can harm your photographs. There are a wide variety of archive quality glues available. Your safest bet is to choose all materials from the scrapbooking section of your craft store.

Scrapbook pages generally come in two sizes: 12 x 12 inches or 8½ X 11. I prefer to use 12 x 12 pages, which allow more room for creativity. I have also found a wider selection of papers and scrapbooks available in this size. Papers come in a variety of colors. Family history embellishments are often in sepia tones. I have found that these tones look very nice with sepia photographs. However, you are only limited by your creativity. For example, my husband gave me a picture of himself that his grandmother had labeled “Almost two” on the reverse. This is what I did with the picture:

Almost Two

I found some red paper with an interesting texture for the accents and cut out a four-inch strip to run along the side. I found an embellishment that was literally a photgraph of overalls — it was on photo paper. If I had wanted to get really interesting, I might have been able to find an old pair of the kids’ overalls to cut. I trimmed the parts of the photograph I wouldn’t need. I glued the red paper on top of 12 x 12 navy blue card stock, then glued the overall picture on top of the red paper, aligning the edges. I cut out a “frame for the photograph,” glued the frame to the cardstock, and then glued the photo to the frame. I cut out a small piece of paper and stamped “Almost Two” in dark blue ink. I found a cowboy hat embellishment and glued that near the title of the page. It was one of the first scrapbook pages I did.

If you don’t feel very creative, there are a number of scrapbooking magazines and materials that demonstrate how to create layouts. All you need to do is copy the layout.

Suggestions for inclusion:

  • A family tree
  • Recipes
  • Histories and/or biographies
  • Photograph stories
  • Birth, death, marriage, and other vital records
  • Baptismal, confirmation, bar/bat mitzvah records

It is a good idea to handwrite some of the information in your scrapbook. It lends a personal touch, and the generations that follow may appreciate having an heirloom in your own handwriting.

Here are some more samples from my Family History scrapbook:

Glamour Girl

For this page, I used archive paper designed to look like an old newspaper, not an actual newspaper. Newspaper is made on low quality paper with low quality ink (which is why it fades and smudges so easily). If you want to save a newspaper article in a scrapbook, I would suggest making sure it doesn’t touch photographs or other mementoes. Be aware that there might not be much you can do to preserve the newpaper’s quality, but you might try techniques mentioned here and here. I glued the picture of my great-grandmother to the paper, then I cut a small piece of brown paper and hand-lettered the words “Glamour Girl,” copying letters from a computer font. Then I hand wrote “Lucille Inez Willis, age 13, 1927.” I glued the brown pieces of paper above and below the photograph.


This is a very special picture of my great-grandfather, Herman, and his son (my great-uncle Alvin). Alvin had joined the Army in WWII, and my great-grandfather pulled out his WWI uniform. They posed in their respective uniforms for this picture. You may be able to tell that the background paper I chose for this has a military theme. I used a dark brown card stock for the frame. I cut out the frame and glued the picture to it, then I glued it down on the scrapbook paper. Then I spelled out the word “Uniforms” in old-fashioned alphbet stickers onto a piece of the dark brown card stock. Then I trimmed the card stock around the letters and glued it to the page. For embellishments, I chose a postcard sticker written in French “Carte Postale” and handwrote “Herman and Alvin Cunningham — World War Veterans circa 1941.” I placed the sticker on the page. Finally, I found a sticker of a French stamp and put it near the bottom of the page. I chose the French postcard and stamp because much of both World Wars were fought in France. I do not know that Alvin was in France in WWII, but I know Herman was in WWI.

Paper Dolls

For this page, I found two pictures of my mother and her paper dolls. I created a paper doll out of card stock and made a dress for the doll with a different color and some stickers. I spelled out the words “Paper Dolls” using old-fashioned looking alphabet stickers and placed all the items on the page at angles.


For this page, I created frames out of parchment card stock. I glued the photos to frames and embellished them with button stickers. I spelled out the Jennings name and year in old-fashioned alphabet stickers. I am not certain about this day, by the way; John B. Jennings and Lucinda Fannie Curry married in 1865 and he was killed in 1875. I split the difference. If anyone has a correction for me, don’t hesitate to let me know. It is an easy matter for me to correct the date. Often, scrapbooking stickers are easy to peel off without damaging paper or photos underneath.

Here are some resources for scrapbooking your family history:

Annie Lola Jennings Cunningham

Posted in Family Biographies/Histories, and Photographs

Annie Lola Jennings CunninghamMy great-grandmother, Annie Lola Jennings Cunningham, died when I was ten. As with my great-grandfather, Herman Cunningham, I don’t have many memories of her because I lived in Colorado and she lived in Texas, but, as with my great-grandfather, I do remember her.

Annie Lola Jennings was born October 4, 1899 in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas. Her grandmother, Lucinda Fannie Curry Jennings, moved west to Texas from Alabama in the summer of 1880, after her husband, John B. Jennings, was murdered. Family legend says she feared her sons would seek revenge against the man who killed their father one day unless she moved them away. John B. Jennings and Lucinda Fannie Curry had five children: Alpha Jennings, Daisie Z. Jennings, Veto Curry Jennings (Annie’s father), Richard Otto Jennings, and Worth Alston Jennings.

One of the things I will always remember about Granny (as I called my great-grandmother) is that every time I visited her she told me that her father had the same birthday as I did — September 17. I was a child and couldn’t be less interested in some old dead man’s birthday (as I thought at the time). I could tell that Granny thought this was special, and also that she didn’t realize she had already told me (or else thought I didn’t remember). Now I feel ashamed of feeling like that, but I was just a child, so I suppose I can be forgiven. Later, when I found my great-grandmother on the 1900 census, I found in the row next to her father’s name that he was born in September 1869. I don’t think I will ever forget that moment. I realized, looking at the microfilm, that I knew exactly what day in September because Granny had told me so many times. For the first time in my genealogical research, I connected these names with living, breathing people. It was a profound moment for me.

Veto Curry Jennings married Mary A. Silla Stallings (b. March 31, 1872) on December 2, 1888 in Fannin County, Texas. They had six children: Lennice Jennings, Lee Orman Jennings, Frank Gray Jennings, Annie Lola Jennings, Daisy Eysel Jennings, and Mary Ethel Jennings. There is also a Lela May Jennings born September 13, 1892 buried in the family plot at Rose Hill Cemetery in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas. She may be a daughter who died at birth or shortly thereafter.

Granny’s grandmother, Lucinda Fannie Curry Jennings was living with her son Veto Curry Jennings at the time of her death on September 18, 1912. Granny and her sisters found their grandmother. Mary A. Silla Stallings Jennings, Granny’s mother, had died two years before on June 18, 1910. Veto Curry Jennings remarried Venera L. Cluck . She was known in the family as “Aunt Jenny”; it was she who suggested the name Udell for my grandfather after a book she liked, Harold Bell Wright’s That Printer of Udell’s.

Annie Jennings became a teacher and met her future husband, Herman Cunningham, when she boarded at the Cunningham house. It was in this same way that Herman Cunningham’s parents, Amos Blakey Cunningham and Stella Ophelia Bowling met; she was a teacher and boarded with a number of county families, including the Cunninghams, in the 1890’s.

Annie Jennings and Herman Cunningham married on June 20, 1920 in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas. These photographs were taken on their wedding day:

Cunninghams' Wedding

Cunninghams' Wedding

My mother’s cousin Connie Luene Reed Bertrand, is currently in possession of Granny’s wedding dress. According to Connie Lue,

It is navy with handmade pleats and lace and all. It is in pretty bad shape, but I can’t throw it away.

It seems that after Papaw [note: I have only ever seen Herman’s nickname spelled Pa Pa, and this is how I remember it being spelled on the funeral wreath at his wake/viewing] died, Granny may have taken his death worse than any of us knew. Carolyn [Carolyn Cunningham, Annie’s daughter] came home from work one day and found this wedding dress in the trash barrel. Luckily, Granny had not burned the trash (you may not know that in the olden days, folks around here burned their own trash and garbage in large metal barrels). Carolyn didn’t ask her about it. She just took the dress out of the trash and hid it from Granny until she came to work, here in Floydada, the next day. Carolyn called me and I came to get it and still have it.

We thought that maybe she was angry with Papaw for dying. I’ve heard of that and it would make sense that she did do that. As far as I know, she never mentioned throwing the dress away to anyone and never knew that Carolyn had saved it.

If you ever are in the neighborhood, you MUST come by and see this dress. Mom showed me some of the features of the dress and explained why it was made the way it was. One of the features is a maternity feature. She made it for an “all occasion” dress since they were poor. It is very ingenious. And it is very beautiful.

I know that my great-grandmother and her daughter Flois were both seamstresses. My grandmother told me about showing Granny some dresses she had made for my mother in order to earn her approval. Granny was somewhat notorious in her dislike for her daughters and sons-in-law; she had been known to refer to them as her “out-laws.” My mother, however, says that she was very loving and gentle with her grandchildren, and that is how I remember her, too.

Mom says that when she was little and scraped her knee, she preferred to go to Granny to get fixed up rather than her own mother. She insisted that although Granny and my grandmother did the same thing — put Campho-Phenique and a bandage on the scrape — Granny blew on it, which Mom insists prevented it from hurting.

Granny always sent me a card for my birthday. I remember one year that she sent me some toy cars as a gift; I can no longer remember if it was a birthday or Christmas gift, but I think it was Christmas. I wrote a thank-you note and showed it to my mother. Mom was aghast because she felt that my letter was rude. I remember what I said, and Mom was right. I told Granny “Thank you for the cars, but we are not boys.” Mom made me rewrite it, so thank goodness I never sent that rude letter to my Granny! My edited letter was much more gracious.

I will always remember Granny in her kitchen. Even in her 80’s, her hair was jet black. My grandfather heard the family had Cherokee ancestry. He believed himself, according to family legend, to be 1/8 Cherokee through his mother’s family. If this were true, Granny would have been 1/4 Cherokee, meaning one of her grandparents — John B. Jennings, Lucinda Fannie Curry, John Thomas Stallings, or Sarah Long Thomas would have been full-blooded Cherokee. I can find absolutely no corroboration for this. I don’t entirely discount that there may be Cherokee ancestry, as my grandmother had dark skin, eyes, and hair, as well as high cheekbones, that are common features of Native Americans, but I can find no proof that Annie had a Native American grandparent, and such stories should be taken with the proverbial grain of salt.

Granny used to make orange Kool-Aid for Pa Pa (my great-grandfather). My mother asked Granny if she might make another flavor some time, but Granny insisted that was what Pa Pa liked.

Granny also used to tat lace. She tatted snowflake Christmas ornaments that several family members have. She also used to crochet. She made booties for me when I was a baby. I still have one bootie (it’s mate, sadly, has been lost in various moves we have made). It is in good condition except the ties used to have balls on the ends that have fallen off. My own daughters wore these booties, but the mate had been lost by the time my son was born.

I only remember visiting Granny a few times before she died on April 8, 1982. She had a stroke. My aunt Carolyn found her when she came home. She entered the hospital and had a second stroke some days later, which was the cause of her death. Many family members believe that she simply didn’t want to live without Pa Pa. He died eight days before their 60th wedding anniversary.

I remember going to her funeral, but not as clearly as Pa Pa’s. For instance, I do not remember going to a viewing, though we probably had one, and I do not remember the service at all, as I remember Pa Pa’s. My recollections are very vague.

As with my great-grandfather, I wish I had been able to know her better, but I suppose I am fortunate to have known her at all.


Bertrand, Connie Lue. “Cunningham Picture.” E-mail to Dana Huff. 5 Aug. 2005.

Jennings, Jan. 2006. Descendants of John B. Jennings. (PDF version of document sent in e-mail to Dana Huff, 24 Jul. 2006).

Note: This post is Part 2 in a series on grandparents and other relatives I remember personally in my lifetime.

Herman Cunningham

Posted in Family Biographies/Histories

Herman CunninghamMy great-grandfather, Herman Cunningham, died when I was not quite nine. I don’t have many memories of him, as he lived in Texas and I lived in Colorado. However, I do remember some things, and this post is a biography of my great-grandfather focusing on all of my memories with a bit of what I’ve learned from others.

Herman Cunningham was born on March 16, 1895 in Lewisville, Denton County, Texas. The Cunninghams had moved to Texas from Georgia, where Herman’s father Amos Blakey Cunningham, was born. I am not certain when the Cunninghams moved to Georgia, mainly because of the loss of the 1890 Census, but I am certain it was between 1878 and 1894, as Herman’s parents married that year in Collin County, Texas.

Herman served in the Army in World War I. He spent most of his tour of duty in the hospital with spinal meningitis. My grandfather told me that Herman was one of only two who survived this meningitis outbreak; Herman exchanged Christmas cards with the other survivor for years.

Herman met his future wife Annie Jennings while she was boarding at his parents’ house. Annie was a school teacher. Herman and Annie married on June 20, 1920 in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas. The Cunninghams lived in Tulia until 1931; their first three children, Alvin, Udell, and Flois, were all born in Tulia. Nelda Gene and Carolyn were born in Lockney, after the family moved to Floyd County.

My grandfather also told me that his father worked for the W.P.A. during the Depression:

My dad worked on the W.P.A. He rode a truck to Lubbock where they were making what turned out to be Lubbock Air Field. It is now the municipal airport. Reese Air Base was 10-12 miles west of Lubbock.

I can recall visiting my great-grandparents’ farm when I was small. By that time, it was somewhat run down. There was an old windmill that I used to climb with my second cousins, Angie and Misty Bertrand, and there always seemed to be kittens in the barn. All of my great-grandfather’s grandchildren called him Pa Pa, me included. Pa Pa smoked a pipe most of his life. His farm was littered with discarded Prince Albert tobacco cans. Pa Pa used to whittle. He created all kinds of interesting things out of pits, seeds, shells, and bits of wood. I remember he used to hollow out walnut shells so they looked like basket s and glue blue Tic Tacs inside to look like robin’s eggs. He also carved peach pits into tiny baskets. He made tiny owls out of wood and some type of seed or pit I couldn’t identify. My most special memory of Pa Pa involves him taking me out to the side yard personally, and pointing at a hole in the tree. He smiled as I looked inside and found one of his little owls. I remember feeling special to have been singled out for attention from my great-grandfather. I also remember feeling like showing me the owl was a present. I remember Pa Pa’s smile so clearly.

My mother reports that Pa Pa only liked orange Kool-Aid, so that was the only flavor Granny (my great-grandmother Annie) would make. I recall when I went to visit them that they always seemed to have those little red hot candies in their candy dish, so Pa Pa must have liked those, too.

My great-grandparents’ house was very old. It had no hallways: each room opened into another. It was quite small. My grandfather told me his parents paid $500 for the house some time in the 1930’s. The one feature that stood out to me as a child was that the bathroom had one of those commodes with the tank up high. You had to pull the chain to flush. It was a real novelty to us kids!

The house also had a really low-slung tree in the front yard. The trees where I lived were all too tall to climb, but this one was easy to climb. I loved to get into the tree and see how high I could get.

I remember how surprised I was when Granny and Pa Pa appeared at the 50th wedding anniversary party of my other great-grandparents, Ted and Lucille Thurman (my grandmother’s parents). It never occurred to me that they knew each other! I realize now how silly this was, as they lived near each other in Lockney for some time and their children had married, but as my own maternal and paternal grandparents had no interaction, I suppose I thought everyone else’s were like that.

Pa Pa also used to grow sunflowers. My daughter Maggie, who is currently five, selected sunflowers to grow in her garden this year. We planted them late — about a month ago. I have been watering the flowers every day. They are about a foot tall now. Every time I see sunflowers, I think of my great-grandfather, so he has been much on my mind lately.

I do clearly remember going to his funeral. Pa Pa died of emphysema. He was 85. I recall seeing one of those funeral wreaths with a large ribbon that said “Pa Pa” across it. The wreath was near his casket during the viewing, which as a small child, I remembered being somewhat scary and disturbing (hence, my own desire not to have anyone looking at me after I’m gone). I do recall my grandmother and mother crying during the funeral, and I felt very bad that I wasn’t. His was the first funeral I had gone to.

I do wish I had been able to know him better, but I suppose not that many people get to know their great-grandparents well, and I was fortunate to have some time with him.

Note: This post is Part 1 in a series on grandparents and other relatives I remember personally in my lifetime.

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