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Author: Dana Huff

Genealogy Software for Mac

Posted in Genealogy 101

Hi folks.  I bought a MacBook for grad school/work/play back in August.  I am thinking I’d like to go ahead and do genealogy on it, and I’m looking for a good software program.  I have been checking out Reunion, but I don’t know if I am missing something better.  Do any of you know anything about genealogy software for the Mac?

Site News

Posted in Site Issues/Technical

I don’t know who still keeps up with this blog after the dearth of updates, but I felt I should explain myself.

First of all, I have been tired of the blog’s look for some time, and I finally found a theme I liked to replace the old one with.  Second, I have returned to graduate school (Master’s in Instructional Technology) and become English Department Chair, both of which have left me with very little time to keep up with geneaology.  It tends to be a summer pursuit.  No wonder so many folks wait until they’re retired to take it up — the amount of time and research involved could occupy anyone full time, and I just can’t do that right now.  However, I am still interested in it as a hobby and will continue to sporadically update this blog as I am able.

Content Theft Part 2

Posted in Site Issues/Technical

I have no idea why, but the person stealing content written by me and other genealogy bloggers has mysteriously stopped.  The most recent post, in fact, is the one they stole from me in which I wrote about how they were stealing my content.  I love irony.  I think that means I can safely post here again, so please occasionally stop by and check it out.  Sorry for the quiet, but I’m sure you can understand why posting here bothered me so much.

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Books for Genealogists

Posted in Genealogy in Fiction

Before I discuss the topic referenced in my title, I want to explain that the biggest reason for my absence is that another blog has been stealing my content (as well as that of other genealogy bloggers).  I didn’t want to post something here that this other blogger would just steal and claim as their own.  Taking an entire post and then linking back to me without making it clear that I wrote that entire post is not proper attribution, and I believe it is a violation of copyright; however, Google, who owns Blogger, the service hosting that blog, will not take the blog down unless repeated copyright violations are reported, which of course puts all of the responsibility on my shoulders.  I found it depressing to post here knowing my content would just be taken, especially when it is such personal content.  For instance, my grandfather, whom I have written about so much on this blog, has recently suffered a stroke, and even though he is on the mend, he is not well, and it impressed upon me yet again the importance of talking to your grandparents and other family and learning their stories before it is too late and you wish you had.  It makes me feel sick inside to know these thoughts will be stolen, but I am not going to let that person steal my blog.  In taking my content, that blogger has prevented me from posting at all, and it makes me angry.

On to my topic.

Most genealogists work alone and focus on their own families, but one thing I have learned since I began blogging about genealogy is that all family stories are interesting.  I have learned so much from my fellow bloggers about the practice of genealogy, and I have also learned that we are the preservers of the history that didn’t make it into the textbooks.  I have enjoyed learning about your families.  I don’t think I am alone in enjoying fiction that touches on subject matter of interest to genealogists.

Louise Erdrich’s recently published novel The Plague of Doves begins with the horrible murder of a white family in Pluto, North Dakota, a town on an Ojibwe reservation.  Four Ojibwe — one of them a boy — are lynched for the crime.  As time passes, the descendants of the victims and lynch mob intermarry creating a complex web of family history.  Pluto is indeed one of those towns where everyone knows everyone else, and almost everyone is related to everyone else somehow.  I think genealogists would find this study of generational baggage really interesting.  I am about 2/3 of the way through the book, and I am really enjoying it.

Years ago, I read Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander, the first in a time-travel series that I hesitate to label romance, though others might.  The book begins with a husband interested in genealogy who takes his wife on a second honeymoon trip to Scotland with the side benefit of being able to research his family history.  As his wife learns when she accidentally is transported 200 years into the past, sometimes relatives that look like interesting characters on paper are not folks we’d really want to meet.  I do think genealogists would find the book interesting because almost all of us have wanted at some point to do as the protagonist Claire does and go back in time to learn more about an ancestor and perhaps even get to know them (I should make it clear that she doesn’t meet up with any of her own ancestors, but she does meet her husband’s).

I tried to read Lalita Tademy’s Cane River, but was distracted and set it aside.  I haven’t picked it up again, but I do plan to eventually.  Cane River came out of Tademy’s genealogical research and is a novelization of her own family’s story.  Who among us hasn’t thought about doing something like that sometime?

Alex Haley’s Roots is, of course, the perennial family saga, that sweeping testament to the power of learning about your family’s history and chronicling it.  I know that the novel has been criticized.  Haley claims he unknowingly plagiarized Harold Courlander’s The African, and Margaret Walker charged that he also plagiarized her novel Jubilee in a case that was dismissed.  In addition, some of the information in the novel that Haley claims to be true was proven false by genealogists.  But I think Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a friend of Haley’s, has a good perspective: “Most of us feel it’s highly unlikely that Alex actually found the village whence his ancestors sprang. Roots is a work of the imagination rather than strict historical scholarship. It was an important event because it captured everyone’s imagination.”

While Anne Rice is not to everyone’s taste, I admit I found her novel The Witching Hour interesting from a genealogical perspective.  The Witching Hour is a multi-generational saga about a family of witches, the Mayfairs.  The saga begins with Suzanne Mayfair, who accidentally awakens a spirit we later learn is called Lasher.  Lasher binds himself to the family and attaches himself in particular to one witch in each generation.  The family is haunted by Lasher for 300 years as he embarks on his quest to become flesh and blood.  The family is plagued by incest.  I didn’t so much enjoy the parts that Rice set in the present, but she has a true eye for detailing the past, and I really liked meeting all the colorful characters in this family.  I should also mention that one of her vampire characters in The Queen of the Damned has kept a family tree of all of her descendants through female lines (as the male lines might not truly be her descendants!), and the funny thing to me when I read it is that one young woman doesn’t, somehow, think it’s odd or unusual that her family would have records of themselves going back about two millennia.  The genealogist in me wanted to shake her a little bit for that.

What’s your favorite “genealogy” novel?

If you are reading this from any other location aside from, please be aware you are reading plagiarized content and consider visiting the original source.  Do not support the efforts of bloggers who steal content by visiting ads on their sites.

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Content Theft

Posted in Site Issues/Technical

Is “Cricket” stealing your genealogy blog content?  I would recommend that you find out.  I filed a DMCA complaint against this blogger today through Google/Blogger.  This person has been taking entire posts wholesale and representing them as his/her own work.  While there is a link to the “source” for the material, it is not considered acceptable practice in blogging to post an entire blog post written by someone else.  Quotations and even block quotations are considered appropriate, but what this person is doing is wrong, and he/she could be doing it to you.  Go see at  Don’t support this person’s efforts by clicking on ad content or by linking to him/her unless you use the rel=”nofollow” tag.  If your content is being stolen, I urge you to protect your work by filing a complaint.  Here’s how: Digital Millennium Copyright Act on Blogger.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if this post is stolen, too?

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The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar

Posted in Family Biographies/Histories, and Genealogy and History

Bobby Dunbar (behind car door) with unknown persons

What if you started to research your family history and discovered the mother of all skeletons in the family closet — that you weren’t who you really thought you were? That’s what happened to the descendants of Bobby Dunbar.

Bobby Dunbar went missing at the age of four during a family trip to Swayze Lake in Louisiana in 1912. After an eight-month search, little Bobby was found with tinker William Cantwell Walters in Mississippi. The only problem was that Bobby’s mother wasn’t certain he was her missing boy, and another woman claimed he was her son Bruce Anderson. A court found in favor of the Dunbars, who raised Bobby. DNA tests done on family members in recent years have proven that he was actually Bruce Anderson. You have to listen to last week’s episode of This American Life (NPR):

Download link

You can download the program (and learn more about it) at TAL: “The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar.”

This story made me think of a similar story in my own family (albeit without a kidnapping). At one point during the program, when Margaret Dunbar Cutright is recounting her feelings upon all that Julia Anderson, Bobby’s real mother, lost, I admit I teared up. It’s an amazing story that only listening to the podcast can truly bring justice to.

Photo of Bobby Dunbar with unknown persons, via This American Life.

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iGene Awards

Posted in Family Biographies/Histories, Genealogy and History, and Photographs

iGene AwardThe current Carnival of Genealogy asks genealogy bloggers to share their top posts in the following categories:

  • Best Picture
  • Best Screen Play
  • Best Documentary
  • Best Biography
  • Best Comedy

I was fairly silent on this blog in 2007 as my family, career, and other interests pushed genealogy into the back seat. It is not my intention to stop posting on this blog, but I don’t foresee posting regularly any time soon. However, I really liked this particular carnival idea. I will be interested to see what others select as the best of their blogs.

The Best Image posted on this blog is this one:

Johnson Franklin Cunningham and Amos Blakey Cunningham

This picture features Johnson Franklin Cunningham (left) and my gg-grandfather Amos Blakey Cunningham (right). Johnson Franklin Cunningham is named for Amos’s father. The two men played together as boys before Amos and his family moved to Texas around 1880. It was interesting for me to learn more about Johnson Franklin Cunningham and his own family. I’m not sure what this picture says, but I am drawn to it. It was taken at a Cunningham family reunion in the 1950’s. It was featured on my February post “Slavery in the Family.”

If “World War I Veterans Reunite After 50 Years” could be expanded and perhaps given the Hollywood treatment, it might make an interesting movie; therefore, it is my nomination for Best Screen Play. I’m not sure who I would get to play the parts, but if I could pick anyone, I suppose my great-grandfather Herman’s young self would be played by Ben Affleck, while John Roy McCravey’s younger self would be Matt Damon. As to who would play their older selves, I’m not sure… for some reason I can’t think of older actors who resemble either man as they are pictured in the post. Well, for that matter, I guess Ben Affleck and Matt Damon don’t either. For some reason I just thought it would be an interesting pairing for the topic of the post.

If I could flesh out the details a little more and fill in the gaps, I think “Civil War Records of William Jones Bowling” would be worthy of the Ken Burns treatment, so I nominate this post for Best Documentary.

The Best Biography posted this year was a tribute to my grandmother, whom I call Granna, back in March. She read it and enjoyed it very much.

For Best Comedy, I would nominate my gg-grandfather Amos’s “Horse Story,” posted in March. I actually worked this one into a short story for children once, but I am not sure where that story is.

I will check out the other posts when this carnival is posted, and will be sure to link it here. I can’t wait — should be very interesting.

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Me on the Census

Posted in Genealogy 101, Genealogy and History, and Research Questions

Miriam started a meme, “Where Were You During the Censuses,” and I have decided to play. I have actually only appeared in three censuses (I think — we’ll see in about 50 years or so, won’t we?). I was born in 1971, so I should be on the 1980 Census as an eight-year-old living in Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado.

In 1990, I should be in Warner Robins, Houston County, Georgia as an eighteen-year-old resident in my parents’ home. I graduated from high school that June.

I remember the 2000 Census. I was excited because I was already into genealogy by that time, and I admit I wondered if anyone 100 years down the line would be reading my answers to the responses. I was living in Warner Robins, Houston County, Georgia with my then husband and my oldest daughter (who would have been six at the time), and would have been listed as a twenty-eight-year-old woman.

You know what? Despite the fact that I’ve moved a lot in my life, I don’t think I’ll be all that hard to find, should any descendants ever go looking.

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