Hi folks. I bought a MacBook for grad school/work/play back in August. I am thinking I’d like to go ahead and do genealogy on it, and I’m looking for a good software program. I have been checking out Reunion, but I don’t know if I am missing something better. Do any of you know anything about genealogy software for the Mac?

Dana, you might like to check out GenSoftReviews (http://www.gensoftreviews.com/) to see what others have to say about Mac software. Although I don’t have a Mac, I’ve seen Reunion and it looks like a fabulous program, similar to RootsMagic, my software of choice.
George Morgan has a Mac, but uses a parallel to run Windows programs on it so that he can use RootsMagic, too. Listen to his podcast about it here: http://genealogyguys.com/index.php?post_id=408222
Dick Eastman also does reviews of all software, including those for Mac: http://blog.eogn.com/eastmans_online_genealogy/2008/09/genealogy-progr.html. He also explains how to run Windows programs on Mac.
Good luck!
Hi Dana,
It’s good to hear from you. I do not have a Mac but for a while I subscribed to the Genealogy blog for MacGenealogist.com. It looked like he has alot of good info on software and doing Genealogy on Macs. Good luck and Take care.
Thanks for the help, Gini and Miriam. I check it all out.
Not sure if you have decided on a program yet. I have had my Mac for just over a year now. I have been using Reunion for that long as well. IT works well, I have had only one problem and their tech staff was great at helping me resolve the problem. Which is probably what I like best, the fact that you can get someone to assist when needed.
Good luck!
Thanks, Terri. Based on your recommendation, I’ll get it. I have heard very positive things about it, and your review just clinches it. Thanks!