I have been tagged by two people to participate in this meme, but I have struggled with what I should say, and furthermore, who else I should tag. I decided the best thing would be to participate, but not to tag anyone else, mainly because everyone I could think of has already done it and the thought of searching for genealogy bloggers who hadn’t was causing me to procrastinate something terrible. So I offer five things you might not know about me (at least not if this is the only one of my blogs you read):
- I am a walking encyclopedia on Arthurian legend and Harry Potter lore.
- I have been published in education circles — a study guide for Beowulf for Penguin-Putnam and an article on integrating Judaic concepts with a study of Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography in English Journal.
- My husband is a true crime writer, and he has a very popular blog on the topic.
- I am a big fan of blues music, but I like all kinds. Blues is practically all I’m listening to right now.
- I have played flute, French horn, and guitar, but I do not currently play any instruments. I could probably pick up the flute and guitar again with some practice, but I’m too rusty on the French horn. I pick up musical instruments fairly easily.
That’s it!

Thanks for playing along, Dana!