Last updated on July 24, 2006
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Transcription of the Diary of Stella Bowling Cunningham, December 1, 1893 to December 15, 1893
Fri. Dec. 1- 1893School as usual & in eve swept the house & went to Lewisville.
Sat. Dec. 2, 1893
Went to town and bought
Canton flannel $1.35
thread .05
Brown velvet .60
canbrier [?] .100
Crinlin [?] .10
Wrote to Flood & Vincent about exchanging a book. Wrote to J.W.T. & Mary Hutton.
Sewed on dress.
Washing .20 unpaid.
Sun. Dec. 3, 1893
It was to-day I wrote instead of Sat.
In evening Uncle Jeff took me out to Mr. Cunningham & Mr. A. [Amos Cunningham] & I had a talk at night.
Mon. Dec. 4 ’93
Had school. The first day of second month [perhaps this refers to when Stella started teaching school?].
Sewed on my dress after school & at night.
Sent picture to Sallie & Minnie.
Bought stamps .10 cts.
Tues. Dec. 5, 1893
School as usual and in eve sewed some & at night went to church. Free Will preached on the Blind man healed.
One profession.
Mr. Amos went with me.
Wed. Dec. 6, 1893
Not a full school because of rain. Wrote a little to Maggie. Sewed in eve and at night. (The pedd? [possibly peddler] staid all night.) Mr. Libass teased us so much.
Thurs. Dec. 7, 1893
School as usual and sewed at night. Carrie staid all night.
Fri. Dec. 8, 1893
School as common & in eve had spelling [possibly tutoring or extra class?]. Uncle Jeff came for me. Found Mama [Mary Elizabeth Kennedy Bowling] & Children [most likely Stella’s younger siblings] here.
Sat. Dec. 9, 1893
Wrote to Maggie & to Judge Bradley, sending three stamps for reply.
Sewed on dress finished it. Went to town and
bought Silk $.50
thread (silk) .10
ribbon .15
cord .15
ribbon & thread .35
Borrowed from P.N.C. $1.00
Went to Uncle John’s [I’m not sure who Uncle John is, as I have no record of a sibling named “John” for either parent, but could be an uncle by marriage or family friend].
Washing .20 cts. unpaid.
Rubber .10 cts.
Sunday, Dec. 10, 1893
Arose late and helped do work then went to church wore my green dress.
A Bro. Miller preached on “Stephen being stoned.”
In eve Uncle Jeff brought me out to Mr. C [presumably Cunningham] and at night we all went to church at schoolhouse. Mr. Amos went with me. A Mr. Holley preached about “Salvation being of the Lord etc.” It was late when we retired.
Wrote to Rosco.
Monday, Dec. 11, 1893
School as usual and at night made the cravat case for Velma [Stella’s sister]. Mr. A. sat up with me & we had a talk. Bought stamps .10.
Tues. Dec. 12, 1893
School and it turned cold. At night wen went to Mrs. Lusk’s and it was late when I retired. (Mr. A. asked for a ( ) but I refused.) [Note: This is one of Stella’s euphemisms for “kiss.”] Got a letter from J.W.T.
Mr. Amos brought my papers and paint too.
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1893
At night made Mr. Libass’ hat mark. School as common.
Went to Mr. Bragg’s [possibly the Bragg family that Amos’s sister Mattie (Martha Lugena Cunningham) married into] and saw the little baby & got to board with them.
Thurs. Dec. 14, 1893
At night went to a party at Mr. W. Cunningham’s [most likely William Matthew Cunningham, Amos’s oldest brother] and came home to make Mattie’s hat mark [Mattie is most likely Martha Lugena Cunningham, Amos’s sister].
Sat up late to get it finished.
Fri. Dec. 15, 1893
School as usual and afterward swept the house.
Fixed to go to town & wrote some in this book.
It was late when Uncle Jeff came for me. Commenced Papa’s [“Papa” was William Jones Bowling, Stella’s father] book-mark. Went to Mrs. Hall.