July 21, 2010 will mark the 202nd anniversary of the death of Micajah Clark, born September 16, 1718 and died July 21, 1808. Clark was the son of Christopher Clark (1681-1754) and his wife Penelope (1684-1760). He married Judith Lewis Adams about 1736. The couple had twelve children: Christopher (1737-1803), Robert (1738-?), Mourning (1740-?), Micajah (1740/41-?), John (1743-?), Edward (1745-?), Penelope (1747-?), Judith (1749-?), Bolling (1741-?), Elizabeth Ann (1754-1810), James (1757-?), and William (1760-?). I descend from their daughter Elizabeth Ann, who married her cousin Joseph Anthony (1750-1810).
Here are some images from a transcription of Micajah Clark’s family Bible done by Samuel T. Moorman in 1832:
Clark and many of his sons were Revolutionary War soldiers. If you are looking to prove your lineage to Clark for DAR or similar applications, be careful that you have the right Micajah Clark. The name was used in the family for well over 200 years in several cadet branches, and it can be confusing. A biographical sketch of Clark’s grandson Anselm Anthony describes Micajah Clark as a “Colonel” in the Revolutionary War, but I haven’t seen any other references to his rank or service. He does appear on rosters of Revolutionary War soldiers.
Clark was born in St. Paul’s Parish, New Kent County, Virginia. Many publications list his birthplace as Hanover County, which was not created until 1720. He was living in Hanover County in 1737 when his oldest son Christopher was born, but it is difficult to say with certainty exactly where he lived when his next five children were born. The family moved to Albemarle County between 1745 and 1747. Clark first appears in records for Fredericksville Parish and Albemarle County in March 1747. Here in Albemarle County, he was a neighbor of Thomas Jefferson. Many publications refer to Micajah Clark as a surveyor and particularly mention that he surveyed land for Thomas Jefferson; however, no documentation exists to substantiate these claims.
Given the surnames Lewis through his wife Judith’s mother Mourning Lewis and his own Clark surname, it is tempting to surmise a connection to Lewis and Clark, the famous explorers, and there probably is one, given where the families of both Lewis and Clark lived, but I have not been able to to determine what that connection is.
Resource: Colonial Virginia Connections by Linda Starr.

Very interesting post.
I am with the New Kent Historical Society and have been researching the Clarke family of New Kent County for my cousin Milton Clarke. Milton’s father was William Robert Clarke, his father was William Clarke. The Clarke farm in New Kent has been in the family for generations and many are buried there on the place. I would love to know if you have run across any connections to William of New Kent County, Virginia.
Thank you so much.
I am working on our family tree I have found that John Johann Clark married to Ann Rogers I am able to trace this to my Grand Mother Tallulah Simey Ann Clark ( Ray ) 1893-1978 Micajah Clark is in that line .
Thanks so much for your posting info.
Do you have a title page to the Bible?
No, Nancy. I found the images online, so these are all I have.
Hi Dana!
I am glad to have (finally!) found your web page! GREAT JOB!! I’m working on my lines, and wonder if you have any documentation showing Micajah’s having an uncle Allison. I think he was the last child born to Christopher and Penelope, in 1724.
I found this notation on Micajah Sr.: 9th VA Regiment of Foot Soldiers, served in Capt. Samuel Woodson’s Company. Served until October 1777. No date of enlistment is listed, but “Term of Enlistment Apl 10” shows on several roll records. Commanded by Colonel George Matthews
Jo, I don’t know of the name Allison in this family, but check here: Christopher Clark Kin.
Hello I came across the name Micajah Clark from the Isle of Wight and the caribbean. He setteled in Virginia, could he be an uncle or grandfather? He had multilple family crests. Any help you could give would be helpful. Thank you. I must ask if I open this door will I find a significant history of slavery?
Marybeth, I seem to remember that Micajah Clark is one of the candidates for Christopher Clark’s father, and I believe if he was, then he would have come to the Barbados by way of the Isle of Wight. If memory serves, however, this connection is not proven. Yes, the Clarks owned slaves as did the families who married into the Clark family. It’s actually odd because they were Quakers, and Quakers have a long history of abolitionism, but I suppose some Southern Quakers adopted the practices of the areas to which they immigrated.
The Micajah Clark that is the subject of this post was actually Christopher Clark’s son and was born in VA.
This page might be a good place to start with the Micajah Clark you mentioned: Clark in England and Barbados. A lot of researchers are working on the Clark line, and the best compendium I’ve seen for all their research is the main page where the page I just linked to came from: Colonial Virginia Connections.
I am decendent of this Clark Family thur DNA. I have my Clark Family Tree 2013 on Ancestry.com You all are welcome to to go and see it. There is alot to see!
I am looking for an MB Clarke whose father was Joseph, mother Charity Hardin. Both from VA. I believe Major Benjamin was actually born an Amos but changed his name. Ever heard of him?-Leslie
I have been searching for info on the Clark’s from Georgia, Henry and Clayton counties. Do you have any info on them?
My direst line of Clark’s came to Alabama through Elbert County Georgia after leaving Virginia.
My 4th and 5th Great Grandfathers Christopher Clark Sr and Christopher Clark Jr are listed on the Revolutionary War Monument at Elbert County Courthouse.
Christopher Clark Sr 1737-1803 is the son of Micajah Clark who is the Son of Christopher Clark who is the Son of Micajah Clark who is the Son of Michael Clark (Buried at Christ Church, Barbados)
I am researching John Ellis CLARK b. 1831 in Alabama. and died in 1902 in Pascagoula, MS.
His parents were born in Georgia.
I have seen information from Clark family files in Mississippi that say he is also descended through the Christophers of Elbert Co., GA through Samuel (s/o Christopher, jr.) and either Archibald or James (sons of Samuel).
Have you found any information on this line?
My Clarke’s ended up in Newnan, Georgia-MB Clarke, Joseph Clarke
How did the Clark’s family meet York? Also, I found an old slave record (Tithables Table) from the Goochland Plantation, Virginia with York’s name on it. Goochland County was a part of Henrico county. If the Clark’s were living in that vicinity how did York arrived in the picture. Please advise if you know of any information. I think York the slave on the Lewis and Clark expedition came from the slaves ships that dock in Barbados.
Dana, I too was sure the Virginia Clark families must have a common root. They DO, but it’s much further than I realized…. WAY back about 8 generations to James Clerke of Wrotham, Kent England (1485-1554) who had two sons Thomas and George. Micajah Clark descends from Thomas and William Clark (of Lewis and Clark expedition fame) descends from George… IF my research is accurate.
Wow! Thanks for sharing that. I never would have thought it was so far back given the families were living in fairly close proximity. Thanks for sharing that research.
I am researching John Ellis CLARK b. 1831 in Alabama. and died in 1902 in Pascagoula, MS.
His parents were born in Georgia.
I have seen information from Clark family files in Mississippi that say he is also descended through the Christophers of Elbert Co., GA through Samuel (s/o Christopher, jr.) and either Archibald or James (sons of Samuel).
Have you found any information on this line?
In the early 1970s a descendant of Archibald Clark provided us (Charles Long researchers) with a list of names that were copied from a family bible about four years earlier. The bible was supposed to have belonged to Nancy Clark, Archibald’s daughter. This bible is most likely lost as none of the Clark’s I have contacted have it or have seen it. In this bible Archibald Clark and Elizabeth Neely’s son John (Ellis) Clark is born 21 Oct 1831. Since Archibald was in Washington County, Alabama in the 1830 it makes sense that John Ellis Clark was born in this county. Archibald was born in Georgia. He was born 24 NOV 1796. He died sometime after the 1860 census was taken in Jackson County, Mississippi and the 1870 census. By 1870 his wife Elizabeth was living with her daughter. Archibald is living next to Samuel on the 1820 Census, Green County, Mississippi. lived next door to Archibald and listed his age as over 45. That would put Samuel born in 1775 or earlier.
I think Samuel is probably his father or Uncle, but I have found nothing that I would consider “proof” of Samuel’s relation to Archibald and John Ellis Clark.
Hi Archibald and Elizabeth were my 6th Frand Father and Grand Mother on My Mothers Mother Mothers side! Margaret America 1841 is My Granny,s 2d Great Granny. I would Love to see those records.
my ig is thel0velee1
This is Archibald’s Father Samuel Clark
B: 1770-1775
D:1845 Greene County, Mississippi, USA
Child Archibald Clark
Spouse Elizabeth
In reference to Micajah Clarks Family Bible… What I have been able to find, it was left to a 2nd wife who left to her son? Memory. Anyway, it was not a transcription, but his remembering. Therefore I question the first marriage o Penelope to Reuben Rowland. In my research, I have found Henry (brother of Reuben) Rowland Roland’s will naming his wife Penelope and my 4 children when they come of age. Then 20 years later the will is probated naming the children with diagram of property. No mention of wife so deceased or remarried. Anyway Henry Roland’s will has her brother’s as witnesses, etc., Reuben married Anna Blaylock – been a while since I worked on this but any way he d in 1808 I believe and he did name some of his children the same names. That Bible was mentioned in a book in the early 1900’s and has been quoted ever since. Sure would like to see the original Bible. My belief is she was married to Henry. One of these day it may be proved. Could ever find the marriage. Will keep researching because, if I use Reuben I cannot prove him to the children. For another day and another year of researching this family
I am looking for info about John Freeman Clark son of William Clark . John was born in Georgia. My DNA results show a connection to Captain Christopher Clark and Rachel Clark. Anyone have any ideas? I know that John Freeman Clark is buried in the Bagdad Cemetery, Bagdad, Florida. He married a Watson (second marriage).
I am just beginning my search on the Clark family tree. My name is Julia Annette (Clark) Kendall. I am a direct descendant of at least 8 generations John Clarks (other than my father, Gale Edmond Clark) that I can document. I have a letter from a certified genealogical record searcher from Noel, MO telling my grandfather, John Tucker Micajah Clark, VII that his ancestor is Capt. John Clark of VA and fought in the American Revolution. The letter invites my grandfather to join the Sons of the American Revolution. I plan to have a DNA test done. I will look up the tree referenced above and continue my journey.