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Month: September 2005

PlanetHuff Down

Posted in Site Issues/Technical

I’m sorry if you’ve been trying to access any pages on (including this one) over the last couple of days. Tech support appears to have fixed the problem, but I don’t understand what it was — I thought I spoke Geek pretty well, but I’m obviously not fluent.

If you continue to have problems viewing the web sites on this domain, please contact either Steve or me by e-mail (remove the (AT) and replace with @).

Johnson Franklin Cunningham and Family

Posted in Photographs

My distant relation Helen Lowry sent me the following photo yesterday:

Front row, left to right: Johnson Franklin Cunningham, Mary Anne Penelope Anthony Cunningham, possibly Charles Benjamin Cunningham or Alexander Stephen Cunningham.

Back row, left to right: Possibly Johnson Hood Cunningham or Charles Benjamin Cunningham, Mary Elizabeth Cunningham (Mollie — later married name Bragg), Martha Lugena Cunningham (Mattie — later married name also Bragg), and Amos Blakey Cunningham.

I estimate that the photo was taken between 1882 and 1884 based on the appearances of the children. I am not positive about the identities of the tallest boy in the back row or the boy in the front row. Family records have indicated that the youngest Cunningham son, Alexander Stephen Cunningham, died as an infant. The oldest boy on the far left seems to look older than my great-great-grandfather Amos, based on height; however, it should be noted that Amos was noted for his short stature — the family called him Little Grandpa, and his wife Stella mentions in her diary that he weighed 115 pounds as a full-grown man in his twenties. If the tallest boy is indeed Charles, then the young boy must be Alexander, and it would seem that he did not die as an infant as all our genealogical records indicated.

Pictures of Stella

Posted in Photographs

It should come as no surprise to regular readers of this site that I am fascinated with my great-great-grandmother, Stella Bowling Cunningham. I recently received two more pictures of her that wanted to share. These were most likely taken before her marriage in 1894. McKinney, Texas, and Plano, Texas are in the current Dallas-Ft. Worth area.

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