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Posted in Site Issues/Technical

Hello all. Just a short update to say that two people have recently contact me to let me know they were unable to post comments here. I disabled a plugin that might be causing the trouble, and I was successfully able to post a comment from an alternative email address, so I believe the issue is resolved, but if you have trouble posting comments, can you please try again and let me know the results?

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  1. Gregory M. Huff
    Gregory M. Huff

    Hello Dana:
    Just trying to do some research on the Huff Family (not sure what direction to go in) as it may connect with me.
    Thank you.

    Gregory Martin Huff

    August 2, 2018
  2. Emmanuel Thomas
    Emmanuel Thomas

    Hello I’m Emmanuel Thomas and I’m searching for the Thomas Family, The Shelton Family,The Conard, The Ross thank you

    November 24, 2018
  3. Neli

    I didn’t think that this had anything to do with my paternal family, but now, I wonder. Tolliver B. Goolsby, is bequeathed some slaves in the will of Cealy Goolsby Moody. They interacted and intermarried with other large slave owning families. At one point, TB had Jack, Dick, and Phoebe, all young slaves. If you have any information on these people, it would be appreciated. Cunninghams, Eberhearts, Glenns, Stricklands, Bushes and others are familiar names to me. Thanks for your post.

    August 7, 2019
    • Neli, I know you left this comment a long time ago, but I have been working on my doctorate for the last three years and haven’t had time to work on this blog. Stay tuned because I am hoping to be able to help with your questions soon.

      July 31, 2021

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