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Month: February 2025


Posted in Site Issues/Technical, and Updates

I understand people find this blog while searching for information about their family trees, but I want to offer a few points of clarification:

  1. This is a personal blog that contains my research and thoughts. It is not meant to substitute for your own diligent research or to be a comprehensive catalog of all the information available on the topics I pursue.
  2. I have been writing here for about 20 years, and there may be older posts with out-of-date information. If I have time and inclination to make changes, I sometimes do, but most of the time, these updates will take the form of new blog posts.
  3. I write and maintain this blog on my own time and with my own funds. I will try to be helpful to you if you reach out with questions, but please understand I have a family and a full-time job. On occasion, I have received emails demanding my time. I shouldn’t have to explain how inappropriate that is.

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